Continuing to provide a positive employee experience in a distributed workforce has a different set of challenges for companies. A shift in priorities and process can have a significant impact.
Sudden and unprecedented change affected the way we work. IT and HR executives are looking to provide the same level of experience for their employees. With the distribution of workers, a seamless digital workplace is essential—and just the beginning. The key to a highly successful digital workplace is a holistic and connected solution.
Intentional transformation benefits everyone
We have a rare opportunity to embrace the distributed workforce and help them thrive. Digital transformation is a collaboration. Done right, your engaged and happy employees can also help you increase productivity, optimize processes, and reduce costs.
New requirements
Meeting the demands of a geographically diverse workforce is a new challenge for corporate leaders. Employee expectations for seamless access to all necessary corporate resources or data at all times directly impacts productivity and engagement. This shift from an office-centric mindset to user-centric solutions is about more than access. Flexibility, an optimal user experience and connectivity are at the top of the to-do list for those driving change.

Download the whitepaper to see how your happy and engaged employees can contribute to the companies success.
Focusing on the employee experience is a must. HR and IT are working more closely than before to provide the digital experience employees expect. Achieving that requires the application of advanced automation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning make that happen on a large scale. Companies that transform successfully embrace innovative ways to meet employee expectations and proactively work to keep things running smoothly.
Get partners on board
The optimal digital workplace is a big task. And you don’t have to do everything yourself. Managed digital workplace services have proven their worth. IT professionals are scarce and expensive, and internal IT departments in larger companies are challenged with an overwhelming to do list just to keep technology running. It’s helpful to bring in a service provider with experience and in-depth knowledge of the specific requirements of SMEs when it

With digital workplaces, employees can access all the work related data from wherever they are and from any device. Source: Adobe Stock / Andrey Popov
comes to redesigning the digital workplace. Make it faster and easier to get started or expand your digital workplace with an experienced partner.
What makes CompuCom unique
The market researchers at ISG* have identified CompuCom as the leader for “Managed Digital Workplace Services Midmarket,” and had this to say:
There are many choices in the technology services market; most fall into one of four product/service categories: hardware/ software sales and service, managed services, configuration services, and professional services.
What makes CompuCom unique? They specialize in all four. They provide technology products and services that are not just one and done propositions, but interconnected, end-to-end business solutions.
While the benefits of this approach are many, at its core, they provide the ability to:
Reduce risks associated with new technology
Control business expenses
Decrease internal IT workloads
Shift focus to business growth and strategic initiatives
Increase end-user engagement and satisfaction
The strength and value CompuCom provides to their customers is in how they bring it all together. Today’s technology requires proper management to achieve maximum efficiency and value.
As the complexities of hardware, software, IoT, cloud-based technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and security continue to increase, so does the modern workforce’s need for technology choice and consumer-like support experiences.
CompuCom Digital Workplace Solutions portfolio consists of workplace technology services, employee technical support, networked workplace and digital edge security and more.
CompuCom’s Elite Employee Experience solution enables employees to connect with each other effortlessly, anytime, from anywhere. Workplace Technology Services include Device Lifecycle Management, Endpoint Management, and Device- and Desktop-as-a-Service capabilities.

The whitepaper shows you how that the future of work is hybrid and digital.